Why choose DT Consulting?

We know that recruiting the right team is essential to achieving the best possible results within a highly competitive environment for each of our partners.

We get to know the company culture, goals and practices of our partners and develop the specific candidate profile, in order to find the most suitable candidates according to our partners’ requirements. In the selection process we use specialized tests related to the actual Accounting and Payroll practice, which maximum ensures selection of the right candidate. We dedicate our full experience, time and attention to fulfil our clients’ wishes. We work together, advice and consult them and when we find the professional they are looking for, we have achieved our goal – to make our clients happy and and win their trust.

We offer the following services:

DT Consulting - Външна обработка на Работни Заплати и HR услуги

External Payroll an HR Services

  • Preparation of employment contracts, annexes, termination notices, job descriptions, labour and payroll rules
  • Preparation of occupational license, official notes, certificate, orders.
  • Preparation of documents for work experience
  • Calculation and preparation of payroll, payments to employees and the National Revenue Agency, reports to various institutions.

Please, send us your inquiry, and we will prepare a custom quote for you.

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We work for your personal and corporate success.